One of the first worldwide
Collaborative Digital Virtual Enterprise
in the Industry of Digital Content that
Think Globally and Acts Locally
Collaborative Digital Virtual Enterprise
in the Industry of Digital Content that
Think Globally and Acts Locally
I conceived the Rebel Alliance project after a study, research and experiment route of production processes in the Digital Content Industry lasted over 10 years; a route started in 1995, with the research program of Humanism and Technology (promoted by the “University of Naples l’Orientale”, Sociology for Literature chair) and continued with a constant collaboration between Local Government Authorities, Universities, companies and individual professionals.
During these years of research and results analysis, most of the treated themes are the ones that build today Rebel Alliance Empowering’s company mission; on the empiric point of view, studying and analyzing, for example, the cross-communication problems between operators of the Humanistic and IT fields in cultural production process during the planning and production of digital contents; the plausible causes and the certain effects of conflicts generated by an expert management which faces only the technological aspects and for this reason orientated only to the productive processes finalized to the realization of products though just to be technologically specialized and a management with an only-cultural background more specifically belonging to the production of user-friendly products and coherent with the effective demand of the traditional and emerging markets.
Rebel Alliance Empowering is, so, a new “paradigmic mode” defined to the aim of contributing in an operational view to the challenges which become generated between the Contents Industry players with the constant change we’re facing.
The great changes happening have radically changed the productive processes and the work environments, contributing to the birth of new jobs and professions: new tendencies are happening.
New theories about new companies’ organizational models, which finally came to our country too, are moving from the close, simple Domain of the academic research, to the whole Companies’ Culture, showing the ultimate transition towards the Economy of Knowledge. This transition has been encouraged from the utilitarian and methodic entrance of the I.C.T. technologies, which determined the development of the Information Society with the following overcome of the obsolete Organizational Systems, which were rigidly vertical, where employees were stably called to carry out predetermined tasks for the same employer, and which will gradually intended to disappear, in many segments of economy.
The digital revolution has introduced the possibility basing on which the different Companies can work in the specific networks allowing the productive specialization, externalization, and also encouraging phenomena of delocalization.
Today, it is much more efficient, for each operator, to concentrate on its own core business and sourcing, in any part of the world, from third-party subjects which have a precious non-material and organizational know-how.
This is not only for what regards logistic services, facility management, administration, informative systems, and product marketing, but also for the main and highly-specialized functions which are incredibly close to the companies’ core businesses.
Even for the small and medium-sized companies the network logics and the organizational and management know-how from highly-specialized discourse are more and more fundamental for survival in mid/long terms in a continuously evolving socio/economic context, which is constantly becoming more competitive.
We see the formation of new forms of companies which have been internationalized from birth, some “pocket multinational” which allowed to the traditional manufactures to organize themselves flexibly in a Glocal strategy, which means operating in a global dimension and keeping/developing in the original territory the most intelligent functions to which are associated know-hows which are not always immediately available.
The autonomy of the worker increases in the performance of its own tasks and the rigid bonds of hierarchical and functional subordination slowly disappear.
From the moment that each organization is actually a Social System, to face in a successful way the changes imposed, it is necessary to act on all of the elements which condition the functioning of the System: on the one hand, the structural aspect (the “hard” variables of the organizational system), on the other hand, the behavior and cultural aspects (the so-called “soft” variables), especially for what concerns high tech.
From a social point of view, in the new organizational thinking through which the new models take place, the aspects which studies the side of the individual in its relations with others, through disciplines such as applied Cultural Anthropology or other disciplines which refer to the neural-sciences, gain an increasing important role in the Change Management.
A constructivist approach, capable of easing the communicational and cognitive processes among individuals which not only have different Companies’ Culture, but also with very different general-culture fundaments, which work in cooperation, turns out to be fundamental. The study of intercultural relations and the adoption of the right intercultural communication instruments is not determining only for the planning of new services and products, which have to be coherent with the latent demand of different markets, but also to understand the meanings of the constructs to define the best way to convey information regarding the change itself and its consequences, presenting them so to be understood and comprehended by people with different mentalities and superstructures.
This document, so, is proposed to give food for thought to the aspirant Rebels that want to: apply (even temporarily) to the Rebel Alliance System, the conceptual coordinates on which the planning proposal is founded; to the potential Costumers, about the positioning of Rebel Alliance in the Digital Content Industry and which can be the benefit of interacting with the Rebel Alliance Empowering System.
The aim of the present document is to introduce some concepts which build the basis of the business model which Rebel Alliance adopts with the aim of building an Integrated System of Knowledge: a Knowledge Intensive Business Society [1].
Rebel Alliance has defined a system based on a model in which Humanists and Technicians compare themselves daily in an organized System and are capable of defining innovative and cost effective solutions.
The aim of Rebel Alliance Empowering is to self-determining to have the right instruments capable of responding efficiently to the urgent strains and to the expanding difficulties which characterize competition not only to the market of Cinema Industry, but even in the other segments of the Content Industry of Culture and Entertainment.
An industry in which many operators challenge today, most of which had birth in the last few years.
I conceived the Rebel Alliance project after a study, research and experiment route of production processes in the Digital Content Industry lasted over 10 years; a route started in 1995, with the research program of Humanism and Technology (promoted by the “University of Naples l’Orientale”, Sociology for Literature chair) and continued with a constant collaboration between Local Government Authorities, Universities, companies and individual professionals.
During these years of research and results analysis, most of the treated themes are the ones that build today Rebel Alliance Empowering’s company mission; on the empiric point of view, studying and analyzing, for example, the cross-communication problems between operators of the Humanistic and IT fields in cultural production process during the planning and production of digital contents; the plausible causes and the certain effects of conflicts generated by an expert management which faces only the technological aspects and for this reason orientated only to the productive processes finalized to the realization of products though just to be technologically specialized and a management with an only-cultural background more specifically belonging to the production of user-friendly products and coherent with the effective demand of the traditional and emerging markets.
Rebel Alliance Empowering is, so, a new “paradigmic mode” defined to the aim of contributing in an operational view to the challenges which become generated between the Contents Industry players with the constant change we’re facing.
The great changes happening have radically changed the productive processes and the work environments, contributing to the birth of new jobs and professions: new tendencies are happening.
New theories about new companies’ organizational models, which finally came to our country too, are moving from the close, simple Domain of the academic research, to the whole Companies’ Culture, showing the ultimate transition towards the Economy of Knowledge. This transition has been encouraged from the utilitarian and methodic entrance of the I.C.T. technologies, which determined the development of the Information Society with the following overcome of the obsolete Organizational Systems, which were rigidly vertical, where employees were stably called to carry out predetermined tasks for the same employer, and which will gradually intended to disappear, in many segments of economy.
The digital revolution has introduced the possibility basing on which the different Companies can work in the specific networks allowing the productive specialization, externalization, and also encouraging phenomena of delocalization.
Today, it is much more efficient, for each operator, to concentrate on its own core business and sourcing, in any part of the world, from third-party subjects which have a precious non-material and organizational know-how.
This is not only for what regards logistic services, facility management, administration, informative systems, and product marketing, but also for the main and highly-specialized functions which are incredibly close to the companies’ core businesses.
Even for the small and medium-sized companies the network logics and the organizational and management know-how from highly-specialized discourse are more and more fundamental for survival in mid/long terms in a continuously evolving socio/economic context, which is constantly becoming more competitive.
We see the formation of new forms of companies which have been internationalized from birth, some “pocket multinational” which allowed to the traditional manufactures to organize themselves flexibly in a Glocal strategy, which means operating in a global dimension and keeping/developing in the original territory the most intelligent functions to which are associated know-hows which are not always immediately available.
The autonomy of the worker increases in the performance of its own tasks and the rigid bonds of hierarchical and functional subordination slowly disappear.
From the moment that each organization is actually a Social System, to face in a successful way the changes imposed, it is necessary to act on all of the elements which condition the functioning of the System: on the one hand, the structural aspect (the “hard” variables of the organizational system), on the other hand, the behavior and cultural aspects (the so-called “soft” variables), especially for what concerns high tech.
From a social point of view, in the new organizational thinking through which the new models take place, the aspects which studies the side of the individual in its relations with others, through disciplines such as applied Cultural Anthropology or other disciplines which refer to the neural-sciences, gain an increasing important role in the Change Management.
A constructivist approach, capable of easing the communicational and cognitive processes among individuals which not only have different Companies’ Culture, but also with very different general-culture fundaments, which work in cooperation, turns out to be fundamental. The study of intercultural relations and the adoption of the right intercultural communication instruments is not determining only for the planning of new services and products, which have to be coherent with the latent demand of different markets, but also to understand the meanings of the constructs to define the best way to convey information regarding the change itself and its consequences, presenting them so to be understood and comprehended by people with different mentalities and superstructures.
This document, so, is proposed to give food for thought to the aspirant Rebels that want to: apply (even temporarily) to the Rebel Alliance System, the conceptual coordinates on which the planning proposal is founded; to the potential Costumers, about the positioning of Rebel Alliance in the Digital Content Industry and which can be the benefit of interacting with the Rebel Alliance Empowering System.
The aim of the present document is to introduce some concepts which build the basis of the business model which Rebel Alliance adopts with the aim of building an Integrated System of Knowledge: a Knowledge Intensive Business Society [1].
Rebel Alliance has defined a system based on a model in which Humanists and Technicians compare themselves daily in an organized System and are capable of defining innovative and cost effective solutions.
The aim of Rebel Alliance Empowering is to self-determining to have the right instruments capable of responding efficiently to the urgent strains and to the expanding difficulties which characterize competition not only to the market of Cinema Industry, but even in the other segments of the Content Industry of Culture and Entertainment.
An industry in which many operators challenge today, most of which had birth in the last few years.
[1] The growth of services, especially the ones with a high knowledge rate, (KIS – Knowledge Intensive Services), is a complex phenomenon which covers on more levels either the productive system and the society in its whole. This growth is manifested with an increasing weight of the Service Industry activities in the value production inside the company, and with a tendency of the companies to externalize some phases of the chain of value. Specifically, when KIS societies have as costumers other companies they are defined as KIBS (Knowledge Intensive Business Societies).
This concept was introduced for the first time from Miles & co. in 1995 to denote private societies which provide gathering, analysis, generation and distribution of knowledge activities, aimed to provide products or services which the costumers (other companies or businesses) are not able to develop by themselves.
These companies, intervening actively in all of the phases of the chain of value, not only contribute to the competition attitude of the costumer businesses, but promote their innovative capacity, technical and managing development.
Examples of KIBS involve different categories of services: human resources managing and consulting, marketing and advertising, IT and connected services, legal services, technical services, etc. Different studies showed widely how these societies represent a crucial element for the competition capability of entire economic services. Especially, KIBS are awarded of the capacity of feeding the innovational potential of a local system (eg. a district or companies’ network), contributing to its economic development.
Part of these networks can be not only homogeneous subjects, territorially present such as companies, but even subjects of a different nature such as trade associations, universities, scientific and technological parks, authorities, etc. On the other hand, as expressed in the logics of the Open Innovation (Chesbrough, 2003), the modern economic networks are tend characterized by the lack of hierarchization ad opened to flows, cross-connectivity, freedom of access and sharing. The lifeblood that flows and animates throught the business network is Knowledge.
KIBS perform the function of Knowledge Gatekeepers to support innovation inside a local system.
To do so, KIBS execute processes of selection and gaining outside knowledge, so rework it and share it with the costumer companies.